Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Well this time I’m here to take a few things off my mind (hmm…I do have lots on my mind) Anyways it was concerning how some of us think. Well actually I had a friend who thought the same way. I still hope that person would change. So let me begin...

Sometimes we face a lot of problems, like the times where we can’t be what our parents expect of us, and no matter how much we try its not enough. Sometimes our parents fail to believe us, they would rather believe someone else (makes ya wanna shout out loud). So then comes the part where you turn to friends, some who give you real good advice and some who don’t (those friends who are bad influences-pls advice them) and sometimes parents, friends (practically everyone you know) label some of us, which makes us wanna be that way. I mean when someone says you are a good for nothing, bad person (No matter how much good you have done) you want to just give up on being good and just be bad. I too sometimes wanted to be that way (give into my dark side), but couldn’t get around to it, coz deep in my heart I thought about it (I had one hell of an inner turmoil,chaos). The more I thought about it, the more I didn’t wanna change (I have this strict thing about how changing myself is like cheating myself- trying to become what you are not). Here was my conclusion:

Deep inside you know that you aren’t a bad person, you have a choice for every thing you do. Its not about what others think of you that you should worry about but more like the voice that say that you are doing the right thing (self satisfaction), and becoming a bad person just because they (family members, friends and neighbors) label you as bad is like STUPID, REALLY REALLY STUPID, Cox you are just proving them right, instead just go on being good, caring and kind( yeah just let them think whatever they want), coz we know that God is always watching us and if you are in the right path then you got nothing to worry about). Right friends!!... And yeah sometimes our parents yell at us, but that doesn’t mean that they are angry with us (okay for the moment they may be), it’s just shows that they love you very much (it’s a responsibility of a parent to guide their children in the right path). They don’t want you to stray from the path (the good one), I mean if they don’t care about us why keep bothering us (they could just throw us out, but they don’t) its coz they really loves us and care about us, take for instance how your friends treat you, you share with them your worries and your friends offer advice (I mean the good ones) Cox they care about you, instead you go to someone who hates you and they would just leave you be. So next time your parents yell at you just hug them and say sorry for making them worry and promise them that it wont happen again (and don’t forget about that promise-never make empty promises-), and don’t go and do things that would bring a bad name to you or your parents. (Be thankful that they are there for you; appreciate their company so that you won’t regret it later for not expressing how much you love them when they were there, coz they won’t always be there, think how lucky some of us are that we have our parents). Well that’s all….Hmmmm….

Image"never give up"-


Zero said...

very true....u shud have faith in urself...u shud believe in what u feel is best...

there's nothing u need to prove to anyone...u try to prove something...they ask for more and it goes on..

be who ur, and don't give a shit abt wat others say....they criticize cos they r simply stupid..

Forgiven said...
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Forgiven said...

learn to face evreything that comes ur way...and as zero said be hu ur.... thats the only way to live...
and thats really a nice post...

Denekasrof said...

Thanx Zero and Forgiven, I appreciate it...Just wish the friend of mine would think that same way though

paradoX said...

nekasrof - just be urself..if u go wth others expectations u will b stuck in a place where u wont be able to recognise urself..u as urself ROCKS.. im sure ;-)

btw - thanks for commenting!!