Wednesday, May 9, 2007


A fantasy (okay so i like final fantasy-so what) is where anything is possible, where everything is going how you want it to. Now my question is why do people want it? I just can’t understand it. I mean if everything is perfect then what can you want more and if there are no worries or problems to face where the fun in that is. If I don’t know what sadness is then how can I know what happiness is? Heh heh now I am getting really confused? (Which happens very often) so why can’t people just be happy with what they have, and stop daydreaming about stuff? (Well that includes me) and in which time they daydream they could have done something that actually could have helped them or at least take their minds off things like WORRIES. (Now that still won’t take it away though, its just relieving yourself of it for the moment.) But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to daydream, I just mean that don’t take all that seriously, you know the fantasy stuff. Things are the way they should be, everything happens for a reason blah blah blah. Okay so I may be boring but so what, I can write whatever I want. (Do you think that I’m being a LITTLE selfish. Dig that pun…hmmmmmm) okay so anyways I just wish that somebody would seriously think about what I said (hey nobody visits my blog-so what) especially me!!! Okay point noted..hmmmm…ummm…(there I go again talking to myself, maybe I should go and see a shrink sometime, point noted..Lol) okay where was I??

-Hey hey idiot you are at office?


-Heh heh

-Come on stop making fun of me

-Heh heh make me

-Why you!

Sorry guys I think I should seriously go.. heh heh…tc..bye till next time

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