Thursday, June 7, 2007


From deep within
Comes this urge
To let it all out
Let you know
All the things which
Have been buried deep within
An anguished soul
For its been
Tortured and taunted
From time and time again
Beaten and broken
Till nothingness
But no matter
How much tears
Has been wept
And sacrifice
Been made
It’s all going to
Be in vain
Cox all these
Have been
Falling on
Deaf ears

Image-(Made by me using Adobe photo shop CS2)
PS.It may be not good but I'm content with it,Thanx


iecco said...

wow... loved it!

Areef said...

hmmmm.... ya really nice....
the art need some attention though

idealbreaker said...

the image need some more details.
but if you are content with it
leave it as it is

Denekasrof said...

thanx ideal breaker...i think i would leave it heh heh.....areef thanx and darkangel thanx to you too

Forgiven said...

nice poem there... :D

Denekasrof said...

thanx forgiven.....